Breast Augmentation

Zach Breast, Surgical Services

Breast Augmentation

Change With Your Goals in Mind

Breast augmentation, lift or reduction can greatly enhance your appearance and give you a great boost in self-esteem.  The Vectra 3D device is extremely valuable in teaching about the procedure and choosing an implant.  The best candidates are those with little to a small amount of drooping. It’s important to discuss your expectations with Dr. Dell Smith.  He will answer your questions about the procedure and what to expect afterwards.

Each day more and more women are making the decision to have breast augmentation (surgical procedure to increase the size of their breasts with implants).  Great advances in breast enhancement technology, surgical technique and implant options has made breast augmentation a very popular option for many women.  Often, the goal is to have a more flattering figure and better proportions for clothing.  Biometric planning is essential to fit your body proportions.

Breast augmentation planning diagram.